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Atlas Pressed Metals Hosts Students and Public for Manufacturing Day 2015


Atlas Pressed Metals Hosts Students and Public for Manufacturing Day 2015

DuBOIS – Approximately 50 visitors toured Atlas Pressed Metals on Friday, Oct. 2, designated as the third annual National Manufacturing Day. It is a day intended to inspire the next generation of manufacturing, and to continue to promote careers and family-sustaining jobs in the manufacturing workforce.

Tom Krug, far left, a member of Atlas' manufacturing team, and Atlas plant manager Chris Sconzo, second from left, discuss with students from Jeff Tech Vocational Technical School in Reynoldsville  various aspects of jobs in manufacturing.  The tour was part of the national recognition of Manufacturing Day 2015.

The majority of visitors were students from Jeff Tech Vocational Technical School in Reynoldsville, Pa. Students learned about careers in powdered metal manufacturing, the process of manufacturing powdered metal components and many of the skills that are desired and needed in the industry. Students first heard a presentation on the basics from Christina Mahlon, Materials Laboratory Technician, and Craig Stringer, Senior Metallurgist. Mahlon is a graduate of Jeff Tech and is currently attending Penn State DuBois as an engineering major while she works full-time at Atlas, where she has been employed for 9 years.

“Atlas has given me many great opportunities to excel and grow as an employee. I started working for this company shorty after high school. With my background knowledge in computer and computer programs I received from Vo-Tech, I feel gave it me a more competitive edge then most,” Mahlon said. “As a Jeff Tech graduate, I think the students could really relate to my experiences here at Atlas.”

After the presentation, students and other visitors from the public, received tours of the plant and got a chance to meet some of the employees, hearing why they are working in the field of manufacturing. Atlas took the opportunity to interview several of its employees as to why they like their jobs in manufacturing.

“The manufacturing environment demands that its people be diverse in their skill sets,” said Luke Crawford, Production Supervisor, who has worked at Atlas for 15 years. As a manager, Crawford said he appreciates the variety and daily demands of the ever-changing work day.  “Depending on the day-to-day problems that arise, a leader on the plant floor may need to provide support in areas of engineering, quality control, customer service, or handling employee issues,” Crawford said.  “The challenges that result from this structure keep the job interesting.”