Pictured above are Jessica Hoskavich, Quality Control Inspector and Duke Moulthrop, Health & Safety Environmental Coordinator, both of Atlas Pressed Metals.
Atlas Pressed Metals receives the 2019 Powder Metallurgy Parts Association (PMPA) Safety Award
DuBois, PA
Announced at the October 26, 2020 Management Summit and Annual Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF) Business Meeting, Atlas Pressed Metals was awarded a PMPA Safety Award.
“Our safety recognition program is intended to promote safe work environments among the members of the association, and recognize the best safety performances within large and small companies, as well as individual facilities that complete one year without a lost time accident”, says James Adams, Executive Director/CEO of the Metal Powder Industries Federation.
“Atlas is proud to receive this award. We strive to always improve, monitor and promote safety awareness throughout the entire Atlas Community”, says Duke Moulthrop, Health & Safety Environmental Coordinator for Atlas Pressed Metals.
Kristen Vida, Human Resources Manager for Atlas Pressed Metals explains, “Atlas has made a permanent commitment to safety and the environment with the hiring of Duke Moulthrop, Atlas Pressed Metals Health & Safety Environmental Coordinator. Duke’s health and safety, and environmental background will help Atlas ensure that our company will be continually looking for ways for us to improve our sustainability in the community and provide oversight for the safety and health of our workers”.
Duke is the chair holder of Atlas Pressed Metals safety committee, which meets monthly to discuss various safety topics, safety training, and safety goals to be achieved in the near future. Duke is also a member of the Atlas Pandemic Response Team (PRT) which meets biweekly, or as needed to discuss a proactive strategy to keep COVID-19 out of the building and our workers safe. Duke has been an integral part of Atlas rolling out and implementing the COVID-19 response plan, and ensuring that workers enter the plant safely by getting a temperature screening, donning a mask, and maintaining social distancing procedures.
Duke describes his number one goal is to develop and maintain a safety culture where employees are providing input, and feel like they are a contributing part of the Atlas safety team.
Atlas Pressed Metals, located in DuBois, PA is a leading manufacturer of powdered metal components.