Powder Metal Conversion Results in Significant Cost Reduction with Design Optimization.
Let Us Help You to Maximize Your Part’s Potential
Customer Success Story: A hand-tool manufacturer was looking for a solution to improve their component’s design, performance, cost, and assembly time.
The original subassembly required three individual parts, a stamped sprocket, a machined lower body, and a fastener. Utilizing the PM process, we were able to work with our customer to convert this three-part subassembly into one, multi-level, net shape component, which resulted in a significant cost savings.

Powder Metallurgy Process Advantages:
The original subassembly required 3 separate components to be created and assembled to complete the desired shape. PM conversion allows for the creation of components in a single stroke, ensuring that all levels, part features, and edge details are completed in one step. This reduces the need for multiple components and assembly, streamlining the manufacturing process and potentially lowering production costs.
PM conversion results in naturally smooth edge details on the sprocket form, providing an optimal and high-quality running surface for the finished application. In contrast, the original subassembly exhibited stamping sheer, which led to a rough texture on the working surface of the edges. The smooth edges enhance the performance and durability of the product.
The PM conversion was able to incorporate an additional feature, the upper hub, which improves the alignment and operation of the application. This added functionality can enhance the overall performance and versatility of the component or product.
PM Conversion Process Saves Time and Money
As a result of this conversion, we were able to help our customer save time and money by:
- Eliminating the number of SKU‘s the customer had to purchase;
- Reducing Assembly Time; and
- Improving general appearance and performance of the finished part, all while reducing costs by $1.00 per component.
Learn More about PM Conversions
If you are ready to assess your part for conversion potential or if you want to learn more about PM conversions, contact Joe Pfingstler, Technical Sales, at (814) 371-4800 or JoeP@atlaspressed.com. You can also request a custom PM Course focused on conversions HERE.
Unlock the potential of powder metal conversion for your part and harness the benefits it can bring to your business. Contact us today and embark on a journey towards improved efficiency, performance, and cost savings.