Portland, Oregon, June 2022
The leading North American technical conference on powder metallurgy and particulate materials, PowderMet 2022 is a hub for technology transfer for professionals from every part of powder metallurgy industry. PowderMet is organized by the Metal Powder Industries Federation (MPIF).
At the recent conference, the 2021 Powder Metallurgy Parts Association Safety awards were presented.
“Our safety recognition program is designed to promote safe work environments among our membership, and highlight the best safety performance within both large and small companies, as well as facilities that complete one year without a lost time accident”, says James Adams, Executive Director/CEO of the MPIF.
This year, Atlas was recognized for best safety performance and no lost time accidents.
“Atlas is always proud to receive this award. We continually strive to improve, monitor and promote safety awareness throughout the entire Atlas community,” says Duke Moulthrop, Health and Safety Environmental Coordinator for Atlas Pressed Metals. In addition to chairing the Atlas Safety Committee, Duke is a cofounder of the “Zone Defense” Safety system program launched in 2021.
Atlas Pressed Metals, located in DuBois, PA is a leading manufacturer of powdered metal components.
Pictured below is Duke Moulthrop, Atlas Pressed Metals Safety Committee Chair with the 2021 PMPA Safety award and sporting the Atlas “Zone Defense” Safety tee.